Did you know?

Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland) has the highest rate of HIV/AIDS infection in the world. 
With 28.8% of the population infected, life expectancy is just 51 and 45% of the youth are classed as ‘orphans and vulnerable children’. 
SKRUM was founded by Michael Collinson in 2008 to offer hope to the youth of Eswatini.

What We Do

OUR VISION: An equal Eswatini, free from HIV/AIDS infection.

OUR MISSION: To give hope to the youth of Eswatini. We use the game of rugby to engage the children, at the same time educating them about HIV/AIDS, inspiring better leadership in communities, raising awareness of gender violence and promoting the benefits of school and education.

OUR VALUES: We share rugby's core values of respect, discipline, passion, solidarity and integrity.

OUR STRATEGY: Pass the Ball, Not the Virus.
Since 2008, SKRUM has visited 650 of the 817 schools in Eswatini and each year we reach 12,000 young people through school and community sessions. SKRUM introduces them to rugby takes the opportunity to educate the children in HIV/AIDS, gender & health awareness and the social skills necessary for healthy and responsible living. SKRUM also provides dedicated classroom sessions, explicitly reinforcing the crucial and life-changing HIV/AIDS message.

After visiting a school, ‘Sipho’, the SKRUM logo, is painted onto a wall in order that the SKRUM message of Pass the Ball Not the Virus stays with the children long after the session has ended. During school holidays and weekends we run SKRUM rugby sessions and tournaments in local communities, reaching out to adults as well as children.

At this moment in time rugby is one of the fastest growing sports in Eswatini and figures for HIV/AIDS infection are starting to fall. SKRUM is helping and so can you!

face of skrum

What We Do

OUR VISION: An equal Swaziland, free from HIV/AIDS infection.

OUR MISSION: To give hope to the youth of Swaziland. We use the game of rugby to engage the children, at the same time educating them about HIV/AIDS, inspiring better leadership in communities, raising awareness of gender violence and promoting the benefits of school and education.

OUR VALUES: We share rugby's core values of respect, discipline, passion, solidarity and integrity.

OUR STRATEGY: Pass the Ball, Not the Virus.
Since 2008, SKRUM has visited 650 of the 817 schools in Swaziland and each year we reach 12,000 young Swazis through school and community sessions. SKRUM introduces them to rugby takes the opportunity to educate the children in HIV/AIDS, gender & health awareness and the social skills necessary for healthy and responsible living. SKRUM also provides dedicated classroom sessions, explicitly reinforcing the crucial and life-changing HIV/AIDS message.

After visiting a school, ‘Sipho’, the SKRUM logo, is painted onto a wall in order that the SKRUM message of Pass the Ball Not the Virus stays with the children long after the session has ended. During school holidays and weekends we run SKRUM rugby sessions and tournaments in local communities, reaching out to adults as well as children.

At this moment in time rugby is one of the fastest growing sports in Swaziland and figures for HIV/AIDS infection are starting to fall. SKRUM is helping and so can you!

Watch our Video


SKRUM Founder

In 2001 'Spirit of Rugby' were the words chosen by the game's governing body, World Rugby, in recognition of passion, commitment and outstanding contribution to the sport. No three words could better describe SKRUM's founder and the 2003 recipient of that award, Michael Collinson.

Michael, a proud Yorkshireman and charismatic leader arrived in Eswatini in Southern Africa in 1985. He quickly fell in love with the country, its people and the rugby scene.  A mining engineer by profession, Michael channelled his love and enthusiasm for the game into the Eswatini Rugby Union, becoming its President in 1998 and selflessly giving up hour upon hour as coach, assistant coach, water-boy, supporter and even cheerleader for every team that happened to be representing the country.... Read more about Michael Collinson and meet the team >>


Umbhoco weNgabisa / Rugby Just For Women

In 2019 SKRUM launched a new programme aimed to address the disproportionately high rate of HIV infection amongst adolescent girls. Umbhoco weNgabisa / Rugby Just For Women provides school girls with information on gender based violence awareness, female empowerment and personal health and hygiene. Alongside the classroom sessions SKRUM holds rugby coaching sessions for girls, reinforcing the gender equality message and encouraging them into the game without being intimidated by boys.

“At this moment in time rugby is one of the fastest growing sports in Eswatini and figures for HIV/AIDS infection are starting to fall.”


  • The laughter and excitement of the kids is absolutely infectious. It is also simply impossible to describe the feeling you get when you see the gratitude of a child when you give them fruit for lunch or a rugby jersey. So far, my trip to Swaziland has been an exciting, fun and also eye opening experience.”

    Lawrence Bailey | Volunteer

  • “The SKRUM programme has help me a lot and in many ways because I am now able to play wise, being careful from strangers and being fair. I make sure that whenever I am going to touch blood, when a person is infected I wear gloves and I do not share razor blades and toothbrushes with people. I really thank the SKRUM programme for all the help.”

    Mhtonta | Student at Nhlambeni High School

  • “Working with the SKRUM charity the boys coached the local children in rugby skills, but also spread the message about HIV awareness and prevention. It was a great opportunity for the boys to give something back, and they could not help but be humbled and moved by the enthusiasm, joy and gratitude of the local children, many of whom lived lives far removed from our own.”

    AKS Lytham | Independent School


Ways you can help

With increased awareness, figures for HIV/AIDS infection are starting to fall. Please help us to continue to reinforce the message of Pass the Ball Not the Virus. 
You can donate to SKRUM in a number of ways:

Ways you can help

Skrum Feed & Water

In 2017 SKRUM introduced SKRUM Feed and Water to its programme following the worst drought in Swaziland’s history. SKRUM plants fruit trees at schools and communities and offer trees to children to plant at their homesteads, allowing them to help provide food for the family. SKRUM is also providing guttering and water harvesting systems for schools to collect rainwater giving them the access to fresh water year round.

Our Schools Partnership Programme has been instrumental in helping to fund and install SKRUM Feed and Water projects.

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